About Me

 I started this blog initially, as the title suggests, as an added incentive to escape my small, time-warp of a town situated in rural Yorkshire. With my impending graduation from the University of Manchester looming over me the prospect of staying in my monotonous town is mortifying, and something that I cannot do. 

However it immediately became a canvas onto which to post my research on Homosexuality and the Bible, something which has taken years to do. This research started when I was a strict evangelical Christian, a movement which believes in a literal, inerrant translation of the Bible meaning I resolutely believed in concepts such as creationism and that homosexuality was a sin. However it was through in-depth research into the Bible, which I started in order to become a better Christian, that made me realise that such thoughts were incorrect and dangerous. I saw no point in keeping this to myself so I took to summerising these revelations in this Blog. This has extended to include other important topics with the aim to broaden minds and make people question their opinions, if not necessarily change them.

Thus this blog has become my take on the wisdoms and learnings of life, a way of tackling and publicising important issues, along with a little documentary of the 
mishaps that occur on my mission to escape the country.
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